The measurements ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-K-03 .
General information relating to the examination
Was the ECG performed?
Fieldname: ekg_janein Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Was the long-term ECG performed?
Fieldname: lzekg_janein Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Quality level
DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
- Level 1: The examination is performed in accordance with the guidelines of the medical associations.
- Level 2: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP. Minimum requirements to ensure the quality of the implementation and the examiners are defined in the SOP.
- Level 3: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP and certification of the examiners: Definition of intr-observer and interobserver-variability (standard of epidemiological studies).
Fieldname: ekg_qlevel Data type: Integer with following options 1 2 3
Date of examination
Fieldname: ekg_date Data type: Timestamp with day, month and year
Insufficient ECG recording
Fieldname: ekg_qualit Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Use of DAL-Square
Precise Determination of Electrode Positions C1-C6
Accurate positioning of the pre-cordial leads is critical for accurate diagnostic evaluation of the ECG. Deviations of just a few centimetres on the surface of the thorax result in significant changes in the ECG waveform. Therefore the so-called “Angle of Louis“ can be used to determine electrode positions C1 –C6 accurately
(1) Use the middle finger of the right hand to palpate the first intercostal space at the left sternal border.
(2) Count while successively palpating the subsequent intercostal spaces up to the 4th intercostal space.
(3) Place the C2 electrode on the left sternal border of the 4t intercostal space.
(4) Place the C1 electroce on the right sternal border or the 4th intercostal space.
(5) Place electrodes C5 and C6 as shwon in the illustration using visual judgement.Record a 12-lead ECG strip for a period of 10 seconds, if possible, with an additional rhythm strip. If the quality of the ECGrecording is insufficient, check the condition of the system and the subject (see Technical problems, suboptimal recording quality section) and, after optimizing the conditions, record the ECG again. If the quality of the recording is still poor, inform the study doctor.
DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_thorax Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_comment Note in CRF: Möglichkeit zu generellem Kommentar zum EKG Data type: Free text
Heart rate
Fieldname: ekg_frequenz Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Fieldname: ekg_rhythmus Data type: String with following options sinus rhythm atrial fibrillation atrial flutter other rhythm unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_rhythm_andere Note in CRF: Please specify Data type: Free text
Pacemaker stimulation
Fieldname: ekg_schritstimu Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Atrial excitation following pacemaker stimulation
Fieldname: ekg_vorerregschritt Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Ventricular excitation following pacemaker stimulation
Fieldname: ekg_ereg_kammer Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_schritt_andere Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_schr_andere_spez Note in CRF: Please specify Data type: Free text
PQ, QRS, QT time
PQ time
Begins where P leaves the isoelectric line. Ends at the beginning of the Q wave. If there is no Q wave present, the measurement ends at the beginning of the R wave upstroke. Measured in Lead II, otherweise in the lead with the best representation.DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_pq_zeit Note in CRF: Beginn: P verlässt die isoelektrische Line; Ende: Beginn der Q-Zacke. Bei fehlender Q-Zacke endet die Messung am Beginn des R-Aufstrichs. Messung in Ableitung II, ansonsten in Ableitung mit optimaler Darstellung. Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ms
QRS duration
Begins where Q leaves the isoelectric line. Ends where S meets the isoelectric line. If there is no Q wave present, measurement begins at the R wave upstroke. Measured in Lead II, otherweise in the lead with the best representation.DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_qrs_dauer Note in CRF: Beginn: Q verlässt die isoelektrische Linie; Ende: S trifft auf die isoelektrische Linie. Bei fehlender Q-Zacke Beginn der Messung bei R-Aufstrich. Messung in Ableitung II, ansonsten in Ableitung mit optimaler Darstellung. Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ms
QT time
Begins where Q leaces the isoelectric line. Ends where T meets the isoelectric line. Measured in Lead II, otherweise in the lead with the best representation. The QT time is the measured, not the corrected, QT time.DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_qt_zeit Note in CRF: Beginn: Q verlässt die isoelektrische Linie; Ende: T trifft auf die isoelektrische Linie. Messung in Ableitung II, ansonsten in Ableitung mit optimaler Darstellung. Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ms
AV-Block, Bundle branch block, Hemiblock
AV block
1st degree: PQ interval > 0,20 seconds
2nd degree: Includes Type 1 (Wenckebach) and Type 2 (Mobitz)
Typ I, Wenckebach: in each cycle the PR interval is prlongued until a QRS complex is blocked.
Typ II, Mobitz: intermittent blocking of a QRS complex with no prior increase in the PR interval.
3rd degree: P waves appear independent of the QRS complexes, mostly with a higher frequency than the ventricular escape rhythm.
DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_av_block Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_grad Note in CRF:Grad I: PQZeit > 0,20 Sekunden Grad II: Umfasst Typ I, Wenckebach und Typ II, Mobitz Typ I, Wenckebach: bei jedem Zyklus verlängert sich die PQZeit, bis ein QRSKomplex ausfällt. Typ II, Mobitz: intermittierender Ausfall eines QRSKomplexes ohne vorherige Zunahme der PQZeit. Grad III: PWellen erscheinen unabhängig von den QRSKomplexen, meistens mit höherer Frequenz als der Kammerersatzrhythmus. Data type: String with following options I II III unknown not assessed
Bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block: Prolongation of the QRS complex up to the last negativ deflection in V5 or V6 or the pre-cordial leads to ≥0,06 sec.
Incomplete: QRS width ≤0,12 sec
Complete: QRS width >0,12 sec
Right bundle branch block:
Prolongation of the QRS complex up to the last negative delfection in >30 sec.
Incomplete: RBB morphology with QRS complex ≤0,12 sec
Complete: QRS complex >0,12 sec, wide, notched Rwaves in v1-v2, S waves in v5-v6
DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_schenkelblock Data type: String with following options LBBB RBBB none unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_lsb_rsb Note in CRF: Linksschenkelblock: Verlängerung QRSKomplex bis zur endgültigen Negativitätsbewegung in v5 oder v6 oder linken Brustwandableitungen auf ≥0,06 sec. Inkomplett: QRSBreite ≤0,12 sec Komplett: QRSBreite >0,12 sec Rechtsschenkelblock: Verlängerung QRSKomplex bis zur endgültigen Negativitätsbewegung in >0,030 sec. Inkomplett: RSBMorphologie mit QRSKomplex ≤0,12 sec Komplett: QRSKomplex >0,12 sec, breite, gekerbte RZacken in v1v2, SZacken in v5v6 Data type: String with following options completed incomplete none unknown not assessed
Left anteriorer hemiblock: extreme left axis deviation in the pre-cordial leads, deep S wave in V5-V6, QRS is not widened. Left posteriorer hemiblock: right to extreme right axis deviation. In cases of atrial fibrillation or irregular rhythm on the ECG,the intervals are measured three times in total, each time during a different cycle. The mean value is entered.DZHK-SOP-K-03: Resting 12-Lead Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: ekg_hemiblock Note in CRF:Linksanteriorer Hemiblock: Überdrehter Linkstyp in den Brustwandableitungen, tiefe SZacke v5v6, QRS nicht verbreitert Linksposteriorer Hemiblock: Rechtstyp bis überdrehter Rechtstyp Data type: String with following options LAH LPH none unknown not assessed
ECG findings
Discordant negative T-waves
Fieldname: ekg_dis_t_negativ Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads I, aVL, V6
Fieldname: ekg_lokal_1 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads II, III, aVF
Fieldname: ekg_lokal_2 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads V2, V3, V4, V5
Fieldname: ekg_lokal_3 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Pathological ST segments
Pathological ST segments
Fieldname: ekg_st_streck Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads I, aVL, V6
Fieldname: ekg_streck_1 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads II, III, aVF
Fieldname: ekg_streck_2 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
At least two of leads V2, V3, V4, V5
Fieldname: ekg_streck_3 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: ekg_streck_andere Note in CRF: Infarkttypisch (Gemessen am J Punkt in mindestens 2 benachbarten Ableitungen ≥0.25 mV bei Männern ≤40 Jahre, ≥0.2 mV bei Männern >40 Jahren oder ≥0.15 mV bei Frauen in Ableitungen v2v3 oder ≥0.1 in anderen Ableitungen bei Abwesenheit eines Linksschenkelblocks.), Data type: Freetext
Q waves as indictor of previous infarction
Qwaves as an indicator of a prior infarction
Fieldname: ekg_q_welle Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Q-wave in leads v2-v3>=0.02 sec or QS complex in leads v2 and v3
Fieldname: ekg_q_welle_1 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Q-wave >= 0.03 sec and >=0.1mV deep or QS complex in leads I, II, aVL, aVF or v4-v6 in at least 2 neighbouring leads (I, aVL; v1-v6; II, III, aVF)
Fieldname: ekg_q_welle_2 Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Long-term ECG
Date of examination
Fieldname: ekg_lang_date Data type: Timestamp with day, month and year
Duration of recording
Fieldname: ekg_lang_dauer Data type: Timestamp with hours and minutes
Average heart rate
Fieldname: ekg_lang_mittfreq Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Minimum heart rate
Fieldname: ekg_lang_minfreq Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits in /min
Maximum heart rate
Fieldname: ekg_lang_maxfreq Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Number of VES
Fieldname: ekg_lang_ves Note in CRF: VES: Ventrikulären Extrasystolen im Aufzeichnungszeitraum Data type: Integer with maximum 5 digits
Number of SVES
Fieldname: ekg_lang_sves Note in CRF: SVES: Supraventrikulären Extrasystolen im Aufzeichnungszeitraum Data type: Integer with maximum 5 digits
Duration of the longest ventricular tachycardia
Fieldname: ekg_lang_lvt_s Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in seconds
Rate of longest ventricular tachycardia
Fieldname: ekg_lang_lvt_m Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Duration of fastest ventricular tachycardia
Fieldname: ekg_lang_svt_s Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in seconds
Rate of fastest ventricular tachycardia
Fieldname: ekg_lang_svt_m Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Fieldname: ekg_lang_sdnn Note in CRF: Standardabweichung der NN-Intervalle (zur Hilfe der RR-Intervalle) Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in ms
Pauses >3 seconds
Fieldname: ekg_lang_pause Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Number of pauses >3 seconds
Fieldname: ekg_lang_pause_anz Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Duration of longest pause >3 seconds
Fieldname: ekg_lang_pause_daur Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits
Time of longest pause >3 seconds
Fieldname: ekg_lang_pause_zeit Data type: Timestamp with hours and minutes