The module Biobanking Basic Set is used to document the quality of samples of the Basic Set.
The Basic Set consists of EDTA plasma, serum, citrate plasma, buffy coat and urine.
The processing and storage of the material ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-B-02 .
The processing and storage of the material ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-B-02 .
Number of filled aliquot tubes
Fieldname: basis_numaliquotserumcount Note in CRF: Number of filled serum tubes [300µl] Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
EDTA plasma
Fieldname: basis_numaliquotedtacount Note in CRF: Number of filled EDTA tubes [300µl] Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Citrate plasma
Fieldname: basis_numaliquotcitratcount Note in CRF: Number of filled Citrate tubes [300µl] Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Fieldname: basis_numaliquoturincount Note in CRF: Number of filled Urin tubes [300µl] Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Buffy coat
Fieldname: basis_numaliquotzellcount Note in CRF: Number of filled Buffy Coat tubes [< 300µl] Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Figure: Number of records by aliquots of sort of material
Blood and Urine collection
Blood collection
Fieldname: basis_source Note in CRF: Blood collected Data type: String with following options venous arterial unknown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by blood collection
Position during blood collection
Fieldname: basis_position Note in CRF: Position during blood collection Data type: String with following options sitting lying unkown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by position during blood collection
Duration of position prior to blood collection
Fieldname: basis_durationpositionnum Note in CRF: How long was the patient/subject in this position prior to blood collection? in min Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits and maximum at 60 minutes
Fieldname: basis_durationposition Data type: Checkbox with Yes and No
Time interval since last food intake
Fieldname: basis_nahrabstand Note in CRF: Time interval since last food intake Data type: String with following options < 8 h ≥ 8 h unkown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by Time interval since last food intake
Fieldname: basis_abstand Note in CRF: Total number of hours, if known Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Parenteral nutrition
Fieldname: basis_parental Note in CRF: Parenteral nutrition Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by parenteral nutrition
Menstruating at time of urine collection
Fieldname: basis_menstruation Note in CRF: For women: Menstruating at time of urine collection Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by menstruating at time of urine collection
Time of blood collection
Fieldname: basis_dtsampletaking Note in CRF: Time of blood collection Data type: Timestamp with year, month, day, hour and minute
Time of urine collection
Fieldname: basis_dturintaking Note in CRF: Time of urine collection(clinic) Data type: Timestamp with year, month, day, hour and minute
Time of receipt at the laboratory
Fieldname: basis_labarrivaldatetime Note in CRF: Time of receipt at the laboratory Data type: Timestamp with year, month, day, hour and minute
Time of receipt at the laboratory (urine)
Fieldname: basis_labarrivalurindate Note in CRF: Only if time of receipt of urine differs from blood, complete for urine: Data type: Timestamp with year, month, day, hour and minute
End of centrifugation
Fieldname: basis_endofcentrifugation Note in CRF: End of centrifugation; date, if different from time of receipt at the laboratory Data type: Timestamp with hour and minute
End of centrifugation (urine)
Fieldname: basis_endofcentriurin Note in CRF: If time of receipt of urine differs from blood, please complete for urine: Data type: Timestamp with hour and minute
Time of freezing of all aliquots
Fieldname: basis_freezingdate Note in CRF: Time of freezing of all aliquots at -80°C or lower (Serum, EDTA plasma, Citrate plasma, Urine, Buffy Coat) Data type: Timestamp with year, month, day, hour and minute
Sample properties (blood)
Fieldname: basis_stateordinary Note in CRF: Is the sample normal? Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: basis_statelipaemic Note in CRF: Is the sample lipaemic Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: basis_stateikteric Note in CRF: Is the sample icteric Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: basis_statehaemolytic Note in CRF: Is the sample haemolytic Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Figure: Number of records by blood aliquots of sample properties
Sample properties (urine)
Fieldname: basis_stateurinordinary Note in CRF: Is the sample normal Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: basis_stateurinopaque Note in CRF: Is the sample cloudy Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: basis_stateurinbloody Note in CRF: Is the sample bloody Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Figure: Number of urine aliquots by sample properties
Commentaries (general)
Fieldname: basis_pbscomment Data type: Free text
Commentaries (aliquots)
Fieldname: basis_numfullaliquotzelpko Note in CRF: commentaries Data type: Free text