6-Minute Walking Test
The module 6-Minute Walking Test is used to document the results of the 6-minute walking test. The test evaluates the functional reserves and the degree of physical tolerance of patients with chronic heart and lung diseases in their individual daily life as well as it records the course of the disease and the success of therapeutic measures.
The examination ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-K-04 .
The examination ought to be performed according to DZHK-SOP-K-04 .
6 Minuten Gehtest (6MWT)
The 6MWT is a simple test that can be used to evaluate the functional reserves and the degree of physical tolerance of patients with chronic heart and lung diseases in their individual daily life. It is also suitable for recording the course of the disease and the success of therapeutic measures and is performed as standard both in clinic applications and in studies, especially in patients with chronic heart failure or chronic lung diseases.
DZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Examination details
Was the 6-Minute Walking Test performed?
Fieldname: gehtest_janein Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Date of examination
Fieldname: gehtest_date Data type: Timestamp with day, month and year
Examiner No.
Fieldname: gehtest_untnr Data type: Integer with maximum 2 digits
Quality level
DZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
- Level 1: The examination is performed in accordance with the guidelines of the medical associations.
- Level 2: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP. Minimum requirements to ensure the quality of the implementation and the examiners are defined in the SOP.
- Level 3: The examination is performed in accordance with the specifications of the DZHK SOP and certification of the examiners: Definition of intr-observer and interobserver-variability (standard of epidemiological studies).
Fieldname: gehtest_qualitaet Data type: Integer with following options 1 2 3
Measurement of blood pressure and heart rate after resting period
Fieldname: gehtest_rr Data type: String with following options yes, on left side yes, on right side no unknown not assessed
Systolic blood pressure
Fieldname: gehtest_rrsys Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mmHg
Diastolic blood pressure
Fieldname: gehtest_rrdia Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in mmHg
Heart rate
Fieldname: gehtest_freq Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in /min
Walk distance
Fieldname: gehtest_strecke Data type: Integer with maximum 3 digits in m
Borg Scale
It is recommended to preferably use the 6/20 scale for DZHK studies. The variant of the BORG scale to be used has to be stipulated in the study protocol of the respective studies.
Borg Exertion Scale 6 no exertion at all 7 extremely light 8 9 very light 10 11 light 12 13 somewhat hard 14 15 hard (heavy) 16 17 very hard 18 19 extremely hard 20 maximal exertion DZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Borg Dyspnoea Scale 0 nothing at all 0,5 very, very slight (just noticeable) 1 very slight 2 slight 3 moderate 4 somewhat severe 5 severe 6 severe to very severe 7 very severe 8 very severe to very, very severe 9 very, very severe (almost maximal) 10 maximal dyspnoea
BORG scale (before test start)
When the patient stands up to carry out the test, first measure his degree of dyspnoea using the BORG Dyspnoea ScaleDZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: gehtest_borgvoratem Note in CRF: Borg – dyspnoea scale Data type: String with following options 0 - no breathing difficulty at all 0.5 - very, very slight (just noticeable) 1 - very slight 2 - slight 3 - moderate 4 - somewhat severe 5 - severe 6 - severe to very severe 7 - very severe 8 - very severe to very, very severe 9 - very, very severe (almost maximal) 10 - maximal breathing difficulty unknown not assessed
BORG scale (after end of test)
When the six minutes are over, say "Stop" loud and clearly. The examiner then walks to where the patient is standing. If the patient is very exhausted, offer him a chair to sit down on. Afterwards, reassess the degree of dyspnoea using the BORG Dyspnoea or Exertion Scale – the type of scale to be used has to be stipulated in the respective study/the respective registry.
DZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
Fieldname: gehtest_borgnach Note in CRF: Used BORG scale (after end of test) Data type: String with following options Borg rating of perceived exertion scale (6/20) Borg – dyspnoea scale (0/10) unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_borgnachanst Note in CRF: Borg rating of perceived exertion scale Data type: String with following options 6 - no exertion at all 7 - extremely light 8 9 - very light 10 11 - light 12 13 - somewhat hard 14 15 - hard 16 17 - very hard 18 19 - extremely hard 20 - maximal exertion unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_borgnachatem Note in CRF: Borg – dyspnoea scale Data type: String with following options 0 - no breathing difficulty at all 0.5 - very, very slight (just noticeable) 1 - very slight 2 - slight 3 - moderate 4 - somewhat severe 5 - severe 6 - severe to very severe 7 - very severe 8 - very severe to very, very severe 9 - very, very severe (almost maximal) 10 - maximal breathing difficulty unknown not assessed
Aids/stop criteria
The walking path should be 30 metres long and be marked every 3 metres, whereby the start and the turning point should be marked in colour and easy to recognise (standard method). Alternatively, a measuring wheel can be used to measure the distance walkedDZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
- chair
- telephone with easy reach
- Defibrillator within easy reach
- Possibility of oxygen supply
Fieldname: gehtest_hilf Note in CRF: Were aids used? Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_hilfja Note in CRF: If yes Data type: String with following options measuring wheel walking aid oxygen administration other unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_hilfsp Note in CRF: Please specify Data type: Free text
Test was stopped prematurely
The test is terminated if any of the following symptoms occur:DZHK-SOP-K-04: 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Version: V1.0, Valid as of: 01.09.2014
- Angina pectoris
- Severe dyspnoea
- Dizziness
- Unsafe gait, risk of falling
- Calf cramps
- Claudication
- If the oxygen saturation is being measured, the test is
- interrupted from a drop of saturation to min
- stopped completely in case of a drop in oxygen saturation to less than 85%.
Fieldname: gehtest_abbruch Note in CRF: Test was stopped prematurely Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_abzeit Note in CRF: In case the test was stopped prematurely: Total test time Data type: Timestamp with minutes and seconds
Fieldname: gehtest_abgrund Note in CRF: Reason for stopping Data type: String with following options angina pectoris severe dyspnoea dizziness insecure gait/risk of falling calf cramps claudication muscular exhaustion decreased saturation other unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_abgrunds Note in CRF: Please specify Data type: Free text
Other particular findings
Fieldname: gehtest_besond Note in CRF: Other particular findings Data type: String with following options yes no unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_besondja Note in CRF: If yes Data type: String with following options walking breaks examined person needs to support himself/herself other unknown not assessed
Fieldname: gehtest_besondjas Note in CRF: Please specify Data type: Free text