Study information
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Study completed
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Guideline relevant study
- DZHK Funding
DZHK-assoziierte Studie (keine finanzielle Förderung)
Operative contact Nele Geßler, MD
SORT-AF Supervised Obesity Reduction Trial for AF Ablation Patients (SORT-AF)
Prospective randomized multicenter study to evaluate the impact of weight reduction on AF recurrence after AF ablation in obese patients. A 1:1 randomisation for 6-month intensive medical attendance with nutrition advice and physical training following atrial fibrillation ablation vs. usual care (atrial fibrillation ablation without therapy of obesity) shall lead to evidence for reversibility of negative influences of obesity in atrial fibrillation. A subcutaneous event recorder will be implanted before ablation to detect all possible episodes of atrial fibrillation after ablation therapy.
Supervised Obesity Reduction Trial for AF Ablation Patients: Results from the SORT-AF trial. Gessler, N. et al. Europace. 2021, Apr 25;euab122. doi: 10.1093/europace/euab122.
Principal Investigators
Stephan Willems (Hamburg), Daniel Steven (Köln)
Press releases and news
First controlled study shows: Losing weight improves outcomes of catheter ablation (Study SORT-AF)
Atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder, does not come back as quickly in obese people...