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The EAST-AFNET 4 study provides new evidence on how atrial fibrillation can best be treated in early stages: Therapies that stabilise the heart rhythm can reduce the risk of strokes and severe secondary damage.

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Cardiologists from the DZHK partner sites Rhine-Main and Berlin find SARS-CoV-2 in the heart muscle of patients with myocarditis by biopsy - also with overcome COVID-19 disease.

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DZHK Scientists at the Heart Center of the University Medical Center Göttingen have for the first time found an approach for a personalised therapy option with "gene editing" for the Noonan Syndrome. The results were published in the renowned journal "Circulation".

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Healthy ageing begins with a healthy pregnancy. It starts with healthy blood pressure values. Scientists of the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), together with Danish colleagues, have found that increased blood pressure during pregnancy is transmitted to the...

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The majority of patients recovered from COVID-19 have inflammatory changes in the heart two months after the start of the disease. A team led by Valentina Puntmann and Eike Nagel from the University Hospital Frankfurt has demonstrated this by using magnetic resonance imaging. The...

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A group of researchers from Goethe University and University Hospital Frankfurt demonstrates that an inhibitor against microRNA-92a is effective in humans. The German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) supported this clinical trial.

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A surprising finding by scientists from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) reveals that the coronavirus can attack the heart and alter the gene activity of infected heart cells. That is the result of a recent study by DZHK scientist Prof. Dr. Dirk Westermann...

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East Germany has many more hospitalisations for heart failure compared to West Germany despite a nationwide healthcare system, according to research presented by DZHK scientist Professor Marcus Dörr of University Medicine Greifswald on HFA Discoveries, a scientific platform of...

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6.5 million US dollars for transatlantic expert network "Editing the Failure Heart": Scientists from Great Britain, the Netherlands, the United States of America, and the DZHK partner site in Göttingen are researching new approaches to repairing heart disease using genetic...

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British, Dutch, and German scientists are collaborating on joint projects to investigate essential issues in cardiovascular medicine. The organisations British Heart Foundation (BHF), Hartstichting, and the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) have set up a joint...

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