Update 16.03.2021: You want to participate in the study? The COVID SMART study (formerly MR SPOC) now has a website: www.covid-smart.de Interested persons can contact the study team at this email address or telephone number: covid-smart(at)med.uni-muenchen.de, 0152 54 84 99 07.
Participation is open to people who live within a radius of approx. 50 km from the Großhadern Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. On the study website you will find all further requirements for participation in the study under "Wer kann teilnehmen".
Middle-aged persons are now the largest group among those infected with corona. About 13 percent of them have pre-existing cardiovascular conditions such as atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, cardiac insufficiency; they have undergone heart surgery or are heavy smokers - and are thus at risk for a severe course of Covid-19. As a rule, those affected are initially in domestic quarantine. If their condition gets worse, they are often unsure whether and when to go to the hospital.
"Corona patients without severe symptoms can be a great burden for hospitals because they tie up many resources that are then lacking for seriously ill patients," says study leader Dr. Moritz Sinner from the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I at the LMU Clinical Center Munich. Conversely, an unnecessary stay in hospital is also a burden for corona patients.
Not too early and not too late
Therefore, the study aims to determine the necessity and optimal time for a hospital stay - not too early, and not too late is the motto. To this end, the cardiologist is equipping high-risk patients between 40 and 60 years of age with a hybrid smartwatch. It enables them to write an ECG twice a day, or more often if they have symptoms, and measure their blood's oxygen saturation. "These values provide reliable information about the patient's state of health. If they are critical, including oxygen saturation below 92 percent, patients can call a 24-hour hotline and talk to someone from our team. Together we can then advise whether a hospital stay is necessary," says Dr. Moritz Sinner.
Patients should contact us if the values are abnormal
Anyone who wants to take part needs a cell phone on which an app is installed. The hybrid smartwatch ScanWatch from the health technology provider Withings, which is equipped with intelligent functions but looks like a regular watch, will be given to Covid-19 patients for the duration of the study of 30 days. "The watch is easy to operate; the values are stored in the app and can be viewed by the study team," explains Sinner. However, patients have to report themselves, either when they feel worse, for example, when they experience breathing difficulties, or when the oxygen saturation values sound the alarm.
Department of Health and Environment provides information about the study
The study observes each patient for 30 days and is randomized. The participants are divided into two groups - one will receive the hybrid smartwatch, the other group can receive full treatment from the healthcare system at any time. Who is in which group is decided by chance.
The Department of Health and Environment (RGU) of the City of Munich will inform infected persons in the age and risk group about the study. To collect the data and hand over the Hybrid Smartwatch, the study personnel will come home in protective clothing. Those affected can also contact the study hotline directly (phone: 0152-54849907, e-mail: mrspoc@med.uni-muenchen.de). Around 600 patients from the greater Munich area can participate.
Study: Munich Remote SpO2 and Heart Rate Assessment in Covid-19 patients COVID SMART
Contact us: PD Dr. med. Moritz Sinner, LMU Clinic, Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I, Tel: 089-4400-76159, Fax: 089-4400-78797, E-Mail: msinner(at)med.lmu.de