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Common disease: congestive heart failure - Collaborative Research Center is looking for new knowledge on cellular basis for better treatment of this common affliction

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[Translate to English:] 

The objectives of the scientists at the University Medicine Göttingen are new procedures for more effective treatments of congestive heart failure. Therefore they examine selected signal pathways between different cells in the heart, as well as the smallest functional units in the heart cells - the so-called "functional micro-domains", - which are believed to play an important role with the development of congestive heart failure.

Spokesman of the new Collaborative Research Center is Professor Gerd Hasenfuß, director of the Cardiology and Pneumology department and chairman of the Heart Center of the University Medicine Göttingen, chairman of the Heart-Research Center Göttingen (HRCG) and member of the board of directors of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK). The new Collaborative Research Center starts at 1. July 2012

For more information, please go to www.uni-goettingen.de.